Recently, Chelsea Groton Bank has been made aware of several check scams. An individual will apply for a new job, loan, or scholarship and in the process is sent a fraudulent check via email. The individual is then asked to deposit or cash the check and send some of the money back to the scammer. In addition, individuals have been asked to provide personal or financial credentials as part of this application process. The scammers then use the credentials provided to hack into the individual’s account.

While the excitement and desire of obtaining the job, loan, or scholarship you are applying for may motivate you to provide anything asked of you, please know this is a scam. Sometimes these communications can be convincing and sophisticated.
Always independently confirm this sort of request in person or by phone with a trusted and verified phone number. Never use the phone number they provide without verifying it against publicly available databases first.
A few additional tips to keep you and your accounts safe from check scams and other fraudulent activity:
- NEVER provide your personal or business information, personal identification numbers (PINs) or passwords to anyone, even if the person claims to be from Chelsea Groton Bank. Hang up and call Chelsea Groton’s Customer Care Team or your banker directly. Remember, the Bank will NEVER call you and ask for this type of information.
- NEVER click on unfamiliar links or correspond with unfamiliar email addresses. If you are unsure if an email is authentic, contact the sender through the known and verified email address or phone number you typically use to correspond with that individual or business.
- If you believe you have been scammed, contact your bank, local police, and if you have cyber insurance, call the insurance company right away.