Chelsea Groton Bank has been awarded a Top Workplaces 2022 honor by Hartford Courant Top Workplaces, marking seven consecutive years of receiving this honor.
“Being recognized with this honor year after year, tells me that our team members, who are vital to our company’s success, feel valued and proud of the work they do each day. Whether working directly with customers, or behind the scenes, the mission of the Bank is to take on the goals of customers as if they were our own. I’m incredibly proud of the committed team we have at Chelsea Groton Bank and honored to be named a Top Workplace once again,” shared Michael Rauh, President and CEO of Chelsea Groton Bank.
The annual Top Workplace Awards, sponsored regionally by the Hartford Courant, are based solely on the results of an anonymous employee feedback survey administered by Energage LLC, a leading research firm that specializes in organizational health and workplace improvement. Fifteen workplace culture drivers were measured, including how well employees work together toward a common cause. Employees were asked about company values, whether new ideas are encouraged or if managers help employees learn and grow. Pay, benefits and training also are key questions.

“Earning a Top Workplaces 2022 award is a badge of honor for companies, especially because it comes authentically from their employees,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “That’s something to be proud of. In today’s market, leaders must ensure they’re allowing employees to have a voice and be heard. That’s paramount. Top Workplaces do this, and it pays dividends.”
“A strong company culture doesn’t just happen. At Chelsea Groton, we’re always working to ensure inclusion and equity in every aspect of our business, and we continue to provide growth, training and leadership opportunities to team members at every level,” expressed Anthony Joyce, EVP, Chief Operating Officer. “We’ve also taken great care in selecting benefits and initiatives that contribute to our employees’ health and wellbeing, and to offer flexibility in scheduling to support employees as they balance work and home life responsibilities.”
While Chelsea Groton offers traditional benefits for employees, the Bank also provides employees the opportunity to partake in a variety of continual education programs, and offers the Grow, Launch, and Lead leadership programs for team members at every level within the organization. Team members are invited to participate in a wellness program designed with incentives to track and challenge participants in physical, mental, and financial well-being. Community volunteerism, donations and supply drives have also always been a driving factor in bringing the team together.