If you have several vacancies you’re hiring for, hosting your own Career Fair could be a great way to meet many candidates in a short amount of time. It’s important to stay organized so the event runs smoothly, and prospects have a positive feeling about possible employment with your company. Here’s a checklist for how to plan a career fair, to help you stay calm and organized, and meet some great candidates too!

EVENT LOGISTICS: There are many moving parts when planning any event. Here are important items to consider if you plan to host a hiring event at your place of business:
- Event Date, Time, Location
- Is registration required? If so, how will attendees register (Online? Phone? Email?)?
- Will food/drink be served? Who will order/pick-up the refreshments? Consider where they will be served, paper products, trash cans, etc.
- Check-In Area – Where will people check in?
- Who will greet people and check them in? Who will pre-screen candidates? Who will interview candidates? Who will speak to benefits? Who will assist a prospect in completing a formal application if they haven’t yet?
- Tables and Chairs for prospects as they wait and at each station
- Will prospects tour the location?
- Additional supplies to have on hand: Laptops, Hand sanitizer, Pens
MARKETING THE EVENT: There are many inexpensive ways to promote an event at your place of business. Promotional items for consideration:
- Include on your website, social media channels, and in e-newsletters (your company newsletter, as well as local chambers and community organizations)
- Digital ad campaign (paid banner ads on website and social media, targeted at the interests and geographies of what you are hiring for)
- Flyers and digital signage inside your business and at community gathering spaces
- Distribute a press release and event listing to local media outlets
- Create lawn signs
Not sure where to start with Marketing? Check out these Marketing Tips for Hiring and tips specifically for Email Marketing. Chelsea Groton Bank frequently offers free marketing classes for businesses, as well as many other topics. Visit www.chelseagroton-wp.staging.cocci.com/learning-hub/events for the full schedule.