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Welcome to Chelsea Groton Bank’s Money Madness Exhibit Hall!

Click each of the images below to watch a short video on a personal finance topic. After you watch all the videos, click the trivia button at the bottom of the page to play a trivia game related to the videos you have just watched. 

Anyone who plays the trivia game will be entered for a chance to win a gift card.  The questions are timed, so don’t attempt to answer the questions while you are watching the videos. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, as well as one, randomly drawn prize just for participating.

Buying Your First Car 

Buying your first car is a rite of passage that you’ll remember long after the car is gone. Ellis Disch of Disch Car Sales joins us to talk about the car buying process.


Laura Smith-Goderre of The D’Errico Agency, LLC joins us to talk about insurance. It is something that your parents typically take care of until you have graduated college, but what happens when you need renter’s insurance for your first apartment or car insurance when you buy your first car? 

Renting Your First Apartment 

Molly Bruno of Rose City Real Estate talks about the process of getting your first apartment and the expenses you should consider. 

Saving Today for Tomorrow 

Faye Griffiths-Smith from CT Saves talks about how students can take positive financial actions and save regularly to turn their dreams into reality.

Consumer Scams 

Luke Frey from the Better Business Bureau shares the latest consumer-related scams.

Chelsea U Student Banking 

Melinda Burridge of Chelsea Groton Bank joins us to talk about the importance of checking and savings accounts and what Chelsea Groton has to offer with our Chelsea U Student Banking Program. 

Trivia Time

Click the button below once you have watched all six videos. You will be asked 20 trivia questions related to the material you watched in the “Exhibit Hall”. When you get to the link, enter code: JWXH4, then, give yourself a name that is identifiable for winning a gift card. (First name and high school for example: “Miria NFA”) 

On Wednesday, March 10 at 4 PM we will announce the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners and participant prize on our Instagram Page @ChelseaGrotonBank. We will also contact the winners’ teachers to coordinate getting the gift cards to you.  Click the button below to get started!