Today we’d like you to meet Christen Brewer. Christen’s artistic side and love of the community show in all she does for Chelsea Groton. She’s also an expert gardener and has been busy sharing her growing and preservation tips as more people have been pursuing home gardens this spring.

1. What is your current role and department?
Graphic Designer & Digital Specialist in the Marketing Department
2. How long have you worked at Chelsea Groton Bank?
10 months
3. What do you love most about working at Chelsea Groton Bank?
What I love most is that working at Chelsea it that it doesn’t feel like working. I genuinely connect with our mission, fellow team members, and the community and that makes my time here feel very rewarding.
4. What are you most proud of in your work at Chelsea?
I’m most proud that my skills and creativity get to make a direct impact in our community. Seeing the smiles on people’s faces when they see our VW Bug to choosing the right image and message for marketing campaigns.
5. Tell us a little bit about your life outside of work.
When I’m not at Chelsea, I can most likely be found in the dirt, cooking, or painting. My husband and I are avid gardeners and food preservationists. When the garden isn’t calling me, I am usually creating something. I am an artist who’s fortunate enough to host several solo art exhibitions in our community throughout the year.
6. What types of volunteer activities do you enjoy?
Volunteering is close to my heart. I’ve volunteered for many years at the Norwich soup kitchen. I enjoy mentoring students and young professionals. I also enjoy volunteering for events in Norwich that bring our awesome community together!
7. Share about a favorite personal or family tradition.
Every Saturday before Mother’s day, my husband and I plant our gardens. It’s a tradition we have not strayed from in 10 years. From planting plants we sprouted and nurtured ourselves in February to sowing seeds directly in the dirt. We do this rain or shine, and once in sleet (that was a rough year). It usually takes most of the day and when we’re done we light a fire in our fire pit and talk about how hopeful we are that we’ll have a successful year.
8. Do you prefer dogs or cats?
I am 100% a cat person but the true love of my life is a red-foot tortoise named Zoe.
9. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
This is something I think about a lot. Ultimately, I want to travel everywhere! European castles, Toulouse Lautrec’s studio in Paris, the vineyards in Tuscany, the Redwoods in California, the pastel small clay houses of the Mediterranean. How can you pick just one!? My imagination is too big.